City College student Austin Cousins ​​missing – The Express

City College student Austin Cousens has been missing since the early hours of Friday, May 24 and has threatened to harm himself or others.

According to a crime alert issued Friday morning by the Los Rios Police Department, Cassens is a 19-year-old white male, 6 feet tall and approximately 140 pounds.

LRPD is urging the public to look for the student. They also asked anyone who sees Cassen on or off campus to call the LRPD at (916) 558-2221 and press “0” or call the Sacramento Police Department at (916) 808-5471.

In the message, LRPD also compiled a list of safety tips:

“Be alert to your surroundings and keep high-value items out of sight.”

“When possible, travel with another person. There is safety in numbers. ”

“If you must travel at night, walk and park in well-lit areas.”

“Know where you’re going. Drive fast and confidently to your destination.”

“Avoid carrying unnecessary items.”

“Hold bags, purses and packages tight and close to your body.”

And, “Get your keys and have them ready before you approach the car.”

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